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Scrum master mentorship program

1-on-1 Personalized Mentorship

Receive personalized guidance and support.

1-on-1 Personalized Mentorship

The quickest way to experience career growth is to provide exceptional results as a scrum master. 

For New to Mid-Level Scrum Masters:

Tailored for those with up to 3 years of experience

New to Midlevel Scrum Masters

Climb the corporate ladder easily, deliver like a pro 

Flexible Engagement Options

Choose from 3, 6, or 12-month mentorship durations

Flexible Engagement Options

Decide how much time you need to be mentored based on how much you want to accomplish

Customised Learning and Development

Craft your own learning path with your mentor's support

Customised Learning and Development

Walk on a learning path to get you to your career destination

The Ideal Mentorship

Your Career Goals Become Our Personal Goals

Are you ready to take your Scrum Master career to the next level? Join our Mentorship Program, unlock your full potential and get matched with a mentor today.

How We Work

Mentorship Delivery

To ensure an efficient mentorship program that guaratees the mentees expectations this is the format for delivery.

  • Bi-weekly 30-minute Video Calls

    Stay connected, Keep your mentor up-to-date concerning your career, and get personalized advice

  • Quick Support

    Slack/Teams messaging in between your meetings with your mentor for situations that need quick support and response.

  • Personalized Development Plan

    Create a realistic and feasible roadmap with your mentor to get you where you want to be. Benefit from resume, Interview, and job search guidance. Excel in your career advancement

  • Expand Your Network

    Access to Mentor's Professional Connections and a community of other scrum masters

Scrum Masters Trained & Mentored
0 +
Mentees experience career growth in 10 months
0 %
Combined Years Of Experience of Agile Delivery
Feel More Empowered in their Scrum Master Role
0 %

Who are we looking for ?

Our Ideal Mentee

New to the Role or Up to 3 Years Experience. Could be just starting out or looking to refine your skills.

Seeking to Expand Scrum Skills and Knowledge. Eager to learn and grow.

Motivated to Advance Their Career. Committed to success.

Values Ongoing Learning and Growth. Never stops improving.

We provide supportive, compassionate and highly qualified agile mentors for all your career needs

Talk to Captain Agile

+1-(318) 766-9161

Heine Nzumafo


Benefits Gained


Stories From Our Mentees

“We were stagnant with waterfall methods. working with the scrum scenario master rapidly improved our velocity and quality. Our teams are now empowered, creative, and engaged.”

Evelyn Jimenez

“As a career changer, I found the Scrum Scenario Master internship invaluable. I was taught scrum in a practical setting and connected me with employers.”

Debra Peters

“Captain Agile’s coaching helped align our leadership team around agile values. We’ve since seen faster time-to-market, happier employees, and streamlined roadmaps

Mark Martinez

Availability: Weekdays 10am - 3pm

We Are Available For A Quick Orientation Call

With our exceptional communication skills and dedication to your success, let an experienced mentor guide you on the path to Scrum mastery and career elevation. Enrol today!